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St. Theresa of Avila

October 17, 2023

St. Teresa of Avila (1515-82) founded 16 convents — a true labor of love — earning the nickname “roving nun.” Her spiritual writing led her to be named a Doctor of the Church.

This month, think about the simple things you do each day and consider how your actions are stewardship of your life, talents, time or resources. How might you more intentionally be a good steward of:

Your faith: Do you share your faith with family, friends, co-workers or neighbors through your actions or in your words?

Your love: Do you serve others humbly as a continuation of Christ’s love for those who most need God’s care?

Your hope: Do you bring hope to those who might otherwise find it difficult to go on, or do you hold on to hope when all around you seems empty or filled with trial?

How is your stewardship a work of faith, labor of love, endurance in hope?

This article comes to you from Grace In Action (Our Sunday Visitor) courtesy of your parish or diocese.

October 17, 2023
How can you tell if your use of technology is throwing your life off- kilter? Consider some of the following warning signs: You have fewer deep, close relationships with people than you used to (even if you’re in contact with more people than ever before). You often feel resentful when family, work, or social commitments interrupt your online activities. You frequently use handheld devices to get online or text message during mealtimes, church services, family celebrations, or other occasions that are traditionally times of bondng with God or the people around us. You spend far more time online for “fun” than you do in prayer or meditation. If more than a couple of the previous statements sound familiar, your Internet and social media use is probably throwing your life out of balance. It’s a good idea to seek out moments for “unplugged” silence throughout your routine, or re-center yourself through brief retreats from your ordinary environment — perhaps going outdoors into nature or stopping by church for a visit. This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
October 17, 2023
Jesus does not perform the mealtime ritual cleansing at dinner in the home of the Pharisee. Though the act is not required by law it is a Pharisaic practice. His host calls attention immediately to Jesus’ neglect. Jesus’ response is far more than the Pharisee bargained for. Through prayer and sacrament, we pray to remain pure of heart so that our actions are right and good. St. Ignatius, pray for us. This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
October 17, 2023
“God’s compassion is to place himself in the difficulty, to put himself in the situation of the other, with his Fatherly heart. This is why he sent his Son.” — Pope Francis Reflection: Is there a particular difficulty in your life in need of God’s compassionate presence? This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
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