If required to close, Corpus Christi will implement this Remote Learning Plan.
Grades K-8 classes will use Google Classroom to deliver content; PreK will use SeeSaw.
K-8 teachers will follow their Google Meet schedules for live instruction. Additionally, teachers may share pre-recorded material to supplement lessons. This information is shared with K-8 students via Google Classroom.
Teachers will plan time for live instruction as well as time to complete assignments and ask questions.
Under this remote learning plan, school will be in session Monday through Friday just like in-person classes would be.
K-8 students are expected to log into their Google Classroom accounts and be present for any Google Meet sessions throughout the entire day. A Google Meet schedule for remote learning will be shared with parents by the teachers.
Students should complete their school work as directed by the teachers. Work is due when stated by the teacher.
Missing or late work will be noted in PowerSchool like when school is in person.
Teachers will take attendance in the morning by 8:15 a.m. via Google Classroom. This means that all students must complete the attendance question posted by their homeroom teacher in Google Classroom/SeeSaw by 8:15 a.m.
Teachers will then post student attendance in PowerSchool no later than 10:00 a.m. to allow administration to see who is absent for the day. Please call the school office if your child will not be able to attend Remote Learning prior to 9:00 a.m. Students not present for Google Meets as scheduled will be marked absent as necessary. Attendance calls will be made to families who are absent without any notification.
On extended remote learning sessions, students will need their books and materials from school. Arrangements can be made for families to pick-up materials from school if necessary.
Student access to online tools like MobyMax, Math book online, and AR have been provided to students.
(from Handbook addendum)
**Failure to follow these guidelines could result in your child’s removal from the live Google Meet
Students are expected to follow these guidelines from home during remote learning:
1. Follow the teacher’s instructions on Google Classroom
2. Guidelines for Live Streaming
3. When possible, teachers will answer emails throughout the instructional day. Teachers will have 24 hours to answer emails from the students or parents.
4. All assignments are due as directed by the teacher. All students will follow all school policies and procedures on turning in homework, completing projects, and taking quizzes and tests.
During Remote Learning, it is critically important that students complete their own work independent of outside help to ensure that each student’s academic accomplishments are fairly measured.
For this to be accomplished, teachers need to be assured that student work is indeed the student’s work, completed independently and individually. It is the responsibility of every student to complete his or her work in this manner (independently and individually) and not mislead any teacher in terms of who authored the work.
Collaborating with other students on school work is not permitted unless authorized by the teacher. Students should assume all work is to be completed independently and individually unless indicated otherwise.
Teachers will record grades from remote learning in PowerSchool.
Any assignment not turned in on time will be entered as a zero in PowerSchool. Assignments will also be marked as missing or absent as needed.
Teachers will follow the same late work policy in place during remote learning for in-person learning. No credit will be given for work after that unless the student has received prior approval from the teacher.
If a teacher becomes ill and is unable to teach remotely, he or she will share that note on Google Classroom. The teacher will provide guidance for that day.
If a student is ill and cannot participate in remote learning, they will be considered absent for the day and provided an extra day to complete any school work. Parents should call the school office and report the student absent just like during in-person school.
Our school nurse, Maureen VerVaet, is available to assist any parents or answer any questions. She can be reached via email Maureen.vervaet@sjrmc.com or her cell phone 574-904-0233. She encourages you to leave her a message if she is unable to answer your call.
If students are unable to access Google Classroom, please contact the teacher.
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